Thursday, May 3, 2018

Self Development at the Workplace

Self Development

What is the deal with all this personal growth and self-development at the workplace?   It's so simple to take care of private development as 'optional' and few people ever take the opportunity to actively enhance themselves. 

Your own personal growth and self development is possibly among the most important thing you can do with your own time.  You may even argue that to actualize your real potential is the goal of being here.  In many ways all of your activities are geared towards 'self improvement'. 

This, however, is mostly unconscious and for nearly all people it is a case of chasing 'things' and 'stuff' together with the (all too common) assumption that if they get enough stuff, they'll be happy.

You do not have to look too far to find precisely how wrong this theory actually is.   Why?   At no point in your life can you just stop and say 'now I'm successful -- I believe I will take another 10 years away'.  Unfortunately this is 'the dream' that so many folks aspire to.The trick to a life of happiness lies in personal development. 

Real and lasting fulfillment in life comes from continuously enhancing the quality of your life.  Life is dynamic and it must keep moving.  Like in nature, everything that doesn't grow, dies!  You may either grow or die, and even though you likely won't die a physical death, you probably will endure a psychological death.  Depression is but one example of the ramifications of failing to grow as an individual.  If you're not growing you'll feel as though you are dying.

They are primarily disguised as problems, and sadly most people curse them rather than seeing the terrific opportunities they present.  Earl Schoff once said 'Do not wish for less problems.  Wish that you're better'.  This is where personal growth comes to play and you have to do it on purpose and with an active frame of mind.

Three areas of  Self Development at Workplace

So why do people fail to actively participate in their personal growth?  Well, there are particular personal growth barriers that prevent them from actively progressing in almost any area of your life.  The key word being 'knowingly'.  The three most significant personal growth hurdles are three interrelated behaviors that generally keep us trapped and secured up in inaction.  Personal

Development Barrier #1: Procrastination

Procrastination is the unreasonable delay of tasks, particularly ones that are important.  On a conscious level you may want a particular outcome and you know what course of action to take, but still you stay trapped.   It's very likely that what you're procrastinating about is what you have to do as this can allow you to grow in your ability to do it and just do it.  Bear in mind that you merely procrastinate about jobs that you appreciate and at some level, you know you will benefit from it.Personal

Development Barrier #2: Indecision

Each and every activity is preceded by a determination.   The ironic thing is that not making a decision is a choice -- is not it?  Indecision is like a disease that you must eliminate from your life.  Indecision is merely the consequence of a fear of failure and by not decided you can not neglect -- right?  Realize that nothing in the long run has occurred yet and dreading the worse possible outcome will most likely keep you from deciding.  If you do not make the choices you won't take the action and you'll remain immobilized.

Personal Development Barrier #3: Comfort Zones

Comfort zones are those things which you're too comfortable with -- and often to the point where you do not even try anything else.  Within your comfort zones what's understood and you've got this feeling of certainty which you could comfortably deal with anything that comes your way.    Stepping outside your comfort zones however, challenges you to grow as a person -- you need to develop to become comfortable out of your old comfort zone.  The majority of your constraints are self imposed and controlled by what you believe you can or can't do, what you like or dislike, what you believe is wrong or right.  You need to keep extending your 'self' physically, emotionally, mentally and emotionally to prevent standing still and staying imprisoned by your comfort zones. 

All obstacles are only that -- they're barriers.   They can barely stop a bike, yet they stop large sixteen wheelers.  The wall is much more psychological than real.  So are the barriers for your personal development.  They can prevent you, but they can not keep you unless you let them.  Simply acknowledge them and proceed.  Personal growth is a choice and it is an active procedure.  To ensure a happy and fulfilled life that's full of joy and appreciation you need to always grow and expand your 'self'. 

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